5 Guilt-Free Ninja Creami Recipes Under 300 Calories

Looking to indulge in some creamy, frozen treats without the guilt? My journey with the Ninja Creami has led me to some fantastic low-calorie recipes that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your health goals. I’ve discovered that you don’t have to sacrifice flavor for fitness, and I’m excited to share these finds with you.

What is Ninja Creami?

Ever since I laid my hands on the Ninja Creami, my kitchen’s been transformed into a gourmet ice cream shop, minus the guilt. It’s an innovative kitchen gadget that’s becoming a staple for health enthusiasts and dessert lovers alike. The unique selling point of the Ninja Creami is its ability to turn almost anything into creamy, frozen treats. You might think it’s just another ice cream maker, but it’s so much more.

Unlike traditional ice cream machines, the Ninja Creami is designed with a revolutionary process that involves freezing your base mixture solid, then using its built-in “Creamify technology” to shave and churn the frozen block into a smooth, scoopable treat. It’s astounding how it works with a multitude of ingredients to produce a range of consistencies from sorbets and gelatos to milkshakes and even ‘ice cream’ layered with mix-ins.

Personalization is what makes the Ninja Creami stand out. You’re not constrained to specific pre-set functions. Instead, you have the freedom to get creative with your ingredients. Whether you’re craving a rich, decadent chocolate gelato or a tangy berry sorbet, the Ninja Creami caters to all. And for someone like me, who’s always counting calories, the ability to control exactly what goes into my desserts is game-changing.

It handles all sorts of healthy substitutions with ease – think almond milk, Greek yogurt, or pureed fruit instead of heavy cream and sugar. What you end up with are desserts that feel indulgent without any of the post-dessert regrets. The Ninja Creami brings the best of both worlds, enabling you to indulge in your sweet tooth cravings while staying true to your fitness goals.

The convenience factor is hard to beat as well. With minimal prep and cleanup required, it’s become my go-to for a quick dessert fix that fits my lifestyle. It’s not just about cutting calories; it’s about making smarter choices without losing out on flavor or fun.

Our Top Pick

Ninja NC501 CREAMi Deluxe 11-in-1 Ice Cream & Frozen Treat Maker

With the Ninja CREAMi Deluxe, you can turn almost anything into ice cream and so much more. Make classic CREAMi treats like ice cream, sorbet, and gelato, and mix-in masterpieces. And now, make new CREAMi scoopable and drinkable treats like Italian Ice, Slushi, Creamiccino, Frozen Yogurt, and Frozen Drinks right at home.

Check Price on Amazon

Benefits of Low-Calorie Recipes

When I experiment with low-calorie recipes in my Ninja Creami, I’m not just satisfying my sweet tooth—I’m also reaping multiple health benefits that come with the territory. By choosing to go for these lighter alternatives, the advantages are manifold.

First and foremost, these recipes assist in weight management. By reducing calorie intake without skimping on flavor, I find it simpler to fit into a balanced diet. I’ve observed that incorporating these treats into my routine helps prevent the overindulgence that typically accompanies traditional high-calorie desserts.

Another perk is the nutritional aspect. Low-calorie doesn’t mean low in nutrients; in fact, I make sure to pack my creations with a variety of fruits, dairy alternatives, and other wholesome ingredients. This way, I can enjoy a treat that’s not only lower in calories but also contributes beneficial vitamins and minerals to my diet.

Low-calorie recipes are also a boon for those with dietary restrictions. Whether it’s due to health reasons or personal choices, using the Ninja Creami, I can tailor every recipe to meet specific requirements while keeping the calorie count in check. It’s a win-win when I can cater to my dietary needs without feeling deprived.

The psychological impact shouldn’t be underestimated either. With these guilt-free desserts, I indulge more frequently without the nagging worry about straying from my health goals. It’s incredible how a simple, mindful substitution in ingredients can lead to a significant boost in my overall wellbeing—and the wellness journey becomes even more enjoyable.

Moreover, the versatility of the Ninja Creami ensures that those low-calorie inventions are anything but boring. By playing around with different textures and flavors, I ensure there’s always a refreshing and appetizing alternative at hand, no matter the craving. From fruity sorbets to creamy gelatos, the possibilities are truly endless.

So, whether it’s to maintain a healthy lifestyle, accommodate dietary preferences, or just to enjoy a guilt-free scoop (or two!), the combination of the Ninja Creami and low-calorie recipes is a match made in dessert heaven.

5 Delicious Ninja Creami Low-Calorie Recipes

When I’m looking to indulge without the guilt, my Ninja Creami becomes my go-to kitchen gadget for whipping up low-calorie treats. Here’s a roundup of five mouthwatering recipes that have become staples in my diet.

Strawberry Banana Sorbet – This fruity concoction is not only refreshing but also packed with natural sweetness. With just strawberries, a banana, and a touch of honey, you can enjoy a dessert that feels indulgent but stays light on calories.

Chocolate Avocado Gelato – Chocolate lovers rejoice! This creamy delight combines ripe avocados for healthy fats and cocoa powder for that rich chocolate flavor. It’s a decadent treat that won’t derail your health goals.

Mango Pineapple Freeze – Tropical flavors? Yes, please! Mango and pineapple provide a tangy twist that’s perfect for a sunny day. These fruits offer ample vitamins while keeping the sugar content minimal, and they blend seamlessly in the Ninja Creami.

Vanilla Bean Yogurt Dream – Sometimes, I crave the classics. With low-fat Greek yogurt, a dash of vanilla extract, and a sweetener of your choice, this recipe delivers a creamy, protein-rich experience without the excess calories.

Peach Almond Crunch – I love adding a bit of texture to my desserts, and this recipe does just the trick. With pureed peaches and a sprinkle of crushed almonds, it’s a perfect combo of smooth and crunchy.

Each of these recipes can serve as a starting point for your own custom creations. Try adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, or swap out sweeteners to match your dietary needs. The Ninja Creami makes experimenting easy and fun, and I’m always excited to discover new combinations that align with my low-calorie diet.

Recipe 1: Chocolate Banana Ice Cream

Have you ever craved something sweet, creamy, and chocolatey, but didn’t want to deal with the calorie regret afterward? Well, I’ve got a treat for you – Chocolate Banana Ice Cream made using the Ninja Creami. Not only is this recipe low in calories, but it’s packed with natural sweetness and comes with the added benefits of potassium from the bananas. Here’s how you can whip up this deliciously guilt-free dessert.

To begin, you’ll need:

  • 2 large frozen bananas
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • A pinch of salt
  • Optional: A few drops of stevia or your sweetener of choice

Start by slicing the frozen bananas and place them into the Ninja Creami pint container. Add the cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. Pour in the almond milk, and if you’re like me and prefer a sweeter taste, feel free to add some stevia. Secure the lid and select the ‘Ice Cream’ function on your Ninja Creami. Let the machine work its magic until you achieve that perfect soft-serve consistency.

Remember, consistency is key in this recipe, and the Ninja Creami excels at achieving the smooth, rich texture that’s characteristic of traditional ice cream, minus the excess calories. If you find the mixture too thick, you can add a little more almond milk and blend again. I love the flexibility that the Ninja Creami offers; it lets me adjust the recipe as I go to attain the ideal creaminess.

Once your Chocolate Banana Ice Cream is ready, serve it immediately or store it in the freezer if you prefer a firmer texture. For an added crunch, top it off with some nuts or cacao nibs. The natural sugars in the bananas mean you won’t need any additional sweeteners, making this a dessert you can enjoy any time without the guilt. It’s a perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping your health goals on track.

Recipe 2: Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt

Indulge in the creamy delight of Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt without worrying about your calorie intake. I’ve found that you can savor the richness of cheesecake and the refreshing taste of strawberries in a low-calorie treat made effortlessly with the Ninja Creami. My recipe is simple, healthy, and utterly scrumptious.


  • 2 cups frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (non-fat for lower calories)
  • 1/4 cup low-fat cream cheese
  • 2 tablespoons honey or a sweetener of your choice
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Graham cracker crumbs (optional, for garnish)

First, ensure your strawberries are frozen solid to achieve that perfect Ninja Creami consistency. Blend the Greek yogurt, cream cheese, honey, and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth. This creates a flavorful base that mimics the tangy and creamy nature of cheesecake filling.

Next, fold in the frozen strawberries and transfer the mixture into the Ninja Creami pint container. Make sure to leave a slight space at the top as the mixture will expand during the freezing process. Freeze this blend until solid, which typically takes about 24 hours.

Once frozen, pop the pint container into your Ninja Creami and select the ‘Ice Cream’ function. Let the machine work its magic, and after a few minutes, you’ll be greeted with a texture so close to traditional frozen yogurt; you’ll hardly believe it’s a healthier version.

For an added touch of indulgence and authenticity, sprinkle a handful of graham cracker crumbs over your frozen treat. The crumbs add a delightful crunch that complements the smoothness of the frozen yogurt.

This Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt is not merely a dessert; it’s a guilt-free pleasure that’s both satisfying and aligned with health-conscious choices. With each bite brimming with the flavors of a classic favorite, it’s an excellent example of how the Ninja Creami can transform a few simple ingredients into a gourmet experience. Enjoy this frozen delight at any time of the day, and feel free to share the love with friends and family. Everyone deserves a sweet escape that doesn’t weigh heavily on the conscience—or the scale.

Recipe 3: Mint Chocolate Chip Nice Cream

If you’re a fan of refreshing desserts, you’ll love my take on Mint Chocolate Chip Nice Cream made with the Ninja Creami. This recipe is a game-changer for those watching their calorie intake – it’s as indulgent as it is healthy. No added sugars, just pure, cooling goodness.


  • 2 frozen bananas, sliced before freezing
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure peppermint extract
  • A handful of fresh spinach leaves (for natural coloring)
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips (choose a brand that’s lower in sugar)

Start by placing your frozen banana slices into your Ninja Creami pint container. The key here is to ensure the bananas are completely frozen for that perfect creamy consistency. Next, add the almond milk and peppermint extract. The fresh spinach won’t add flavor but will give your nice cream that iconic mint green color without using artificial dyes.

Once you’ve added these ingredients into the container, pop it into the Ninja Creami and select the ‘Ice Cream’ mode. After the cycle completes, check the consistency. If it’s too thick, you can add a bit more almond milk and rerun the ‘Mix-in’ cycle. Once you’re satisfied with the smoothness, it’s time to throw in the dark chocolate chips and pulse a few times to mix them through.

For an added twist, consider sprinkling your bowl of Mint Chocolate Chip Nice Cream with crushed mint leaves or cacao nibs for an extra crunch and flavor boost. Unlike traditional high-calorie desserts, this recipe keeps things light without compromising taste. It’s a guilt-free treat that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you cool on those warm summer evenings.

Nutrition-wise, the substitution of bananas for cream slashes fat and calorie counts dramatically while maintaining that creamy texture. And by using dark chocolate chips, you’re also sneaking in some antioxidants. Here are the nutritional highlights for this recipe:

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 150
Total Fat 5g
Saturated Fat 3g
Carbohydrates 26g
Dietary Fiber 3g

Recipe 4: Vanilla Almond Milkshake

For those of you who adore milkshakes but are watching your calorie intake, I’ve got a sublime treat that’s as creamy as it’s delicious. My Vanilla Almond Milkshake, spun together using the Ninja Creami, promises decadent flavor without the guilt. It’s a game changer for milkshake lovers who’ve embraced a healthier lifestyle.

To create this low calorie delight, you’ll need some simple ingredients from your pantry. The list includes frozen bananas, unsweetened almond milk, pure vanilla extract, and a touch of your preferred sweetener if you like it sweeter. The bananas serve as a natural sweetener, which means you can often skip additional sugars.

Here’s how you whip it up:

  • Freeze some ripe bananas the night before. Make sure they’re ripe enough for that natural sweetness to replace sugar.
  • Add the frozen bananas, almond milk, and vanilla extract into your Ninja Creami.
  • If you’re including a sweetener, now’s the time to toss it in.
  • Process until the mixture reaches a smooth, velvety consistency.

This milkshake is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. Almond milk is a fantastic source of Vitamin E and healthy fats. When you substitute it for traditional dairy, you cut down on lactose and often, calories too.

To make this treat more exciting, consider tossing in a handful of:

  • Toasted almond slivers for a nutty crunch
  • A dash of cinnamon for a hint of warmth and spice
  • Or even a scoop of your favorite protein powder for an energizing boost

Remember, the key to perfecting this Vanilla Almond Milkshake is to get the consistency right with your Ninja Creami. It’s designed to give a texture that’s smooth and creamy, very close to a traditional milkshake but without the excess calories and sugars. Each sip delivers a burst of vanilla flavor that’s truly indulgent yet surprisingly health-conscious. Feel free to tweak the recipe to your taste and enjoy it any time of day – as a refreshing breakfast drink, mid-afternoon snack, or a dessert alternative.

Recipe 5: Cookies and Cream Protein Smoothie

After savoring the Vanilla Almond Milkshake, it’s time to tap into another crowd-pleaser: the Cookies and Cream Protein Smoothie. If you’re looking for high-protein, low-calorie treats that don’t skimp on flavor, this recipe is your ticket.

You’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Frozen bananas
  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Chocolate protein powder
  • Crushed low-calorie cookies
  • Ice cubes

I start by placing the frozen bananas and a handful of ice cubes into the Ninja Creami. These icy elements give the smoothie its signature thickness. Next, I pour in the unsweetened almond milk, which keeps the calorie count down without sacrificing the creamy texture we all love.

I select a scoop of chocolate protein powder for that rich, satisfying taste, and to make sure the smoothie supports my workout routine. After all, it’s not just about indulgence; it’s about fueling my body right too. Don’t worry if you have dietary restrictions—the market’s filled with plant-based protein powders that’ll work just as well.

The fun part: I add my secret weapon for that cookies and cream magic—a small serving of crushed low-calorie cookies. This ingredient adds that irresistible crunchy texture and those classic flavors but keeps things light on the scale.

Turn on the Ninja Creami and let it blend to perfection. I personally enjoy it when it reaches that soft-serve consistency, but you can blend a bit longer for a smoother texture if that’s what you prefer.

Feel free to get creative with this recipe by adding a dash of cocoa powder or a teaspoon of instant coffee for an extra kick. These tweaks won’t significantly increase the calorie content but will add a whole new dimension to the smoothie.


I’ve shared some ninja Creami low-calorie recipes that prove indulgence doesn’t have to mean compromise. Whether you’re craving something sweet or need a post-workout boost these recipes are sure to hit the spot without the guilt. Remember it’s all about the right ingredients and a little creativity to transform your Ninja Creami into a tool for healthy delicious treats. So go ahead and give these recipes a whirl—your taste buds and waistline will thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the primary purpose of the Cookies and Cream Protein Smoothie recipe?

The Cookies and Cream Protein Smoothie is designed as a guilt-free treat high in protein and low in calories, ideal for supporting a workout routine while indulging in a delicious beverage.

Can the Ninja Creami be used to make this smoothie?

Yes, the recipe is specifically formulated for use with the Ninja Creami, facilitating a smooth and creamy texture.

What are the main ingredients in this protein smoothie?

The main ingredients include frozen bananas, unsweetened almond milk, chocolate protein powder, crushed low-calorie cookies, and ice cubes.

Are there any flavor variations suggested for the Cookies and Cream Protein Smoothie?

For added flavor, it’s suggested to include cocoa powder or instant coffee to the smoothie mix.

Is this Cookies and Cream Protein Smoothie suitable for people on a diet?

Yes, this smoothie is low in calories, making it suitable for individuals on a diet or those monitoring their caloric intake.

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