Easy Keto Chow Ice Cream Recipe with Ninja Creami

If you’re on a keto diet and craving something sweet, I’ve got a game-changer for you: Keto Chow Ice Cream made with the Ninja Creami. This isn’t your average low-carb treat; it’s a creamy, dreamy dessert that’ll make you forget you’re even on a diet.

Why Choose Keto Chow Ice Cream?

Have you ever found yourself pacing the freezer aisle, eyeing those pints of ice cream and wishing there was a guilt-free option that fit your keto lifestyle? Keto Chow ice cream is the answer. It’s not just about cutting carbs; it’s about indulging in a dessert that’s packed with nutrients without sacrificing flavor.

Keto Chow brings a unique twist to the keto ice cream game. It’s more than just ice cream; it’s a complete meal replacement that’s designed to give your body everything it needs. With a balance of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals, it’s a treat that nourishes as much as it satisfies sweet cravings. Imagine enjoying a creamy serving of ice cream that actually contributes to your nutritional goals – that’s the reality with Keto Chow.

Another reason I’m drawn to this ice cream is the versatility in flavors. You’re not stuck with vanilla or chocolate (although those classics are delicious). Keto Chow comes in a variety of mouth-watering flavors that keep dessert time fresh and exciting. If you’re anything like me, you’ll appreciate the chance to mix things up and avoid flavor fatigue.

And let’s talk about convenience. The Ninja Creami transforms the keto chow mix into ice cream with very little effort on your part. There’s no need for elaborate prep work or a plethora of ingredients. Simply combine the Keto Chow mix with water and a fat source, then let the Ninja Creami work its magic.

  • Nutritionally Complete: Provides a balance of nutrients with each serving.
  • Flavor Variety: Offers exciting flavors beyond the typical choices.
  • Ease of Use: Straightforward preparation process using the Ninja Creami.
  • Satisfies Cravings: Helps manage your diet without feeling deprived.

When indulging in Keto Chow ice cream, you’re not just enjoying a treat. You’re also making a smart choice for your body, one which aligns with a ketogenic lifestyle, without the hassle that often comes with maintaining a strict diet.

Our Top Pick

Ninja NC501 CREAMi Deluxe 11-in-1 Ice Cream & Frozen Treat Maker

With the Ninja CREAMi Deluxe, you can turn almost anything into ice cream and so much more. Make classic CREAMi treats like ice cream, sorbet, and gelato, and mix-in masterpieces. And now, make new CREAMi scoopable and drinkable treats like Italian Ice, Slushi, Creamiccino, Frozen Yogurt, and Frozen Drinks right at home.

Check Price on Amazon

Ninja Creami: The Perfect Tool for Keto Ice Cream

When you’re aiming to uphold a ketogenic diet, having the right tools in your kitchen arsenal is key. That’s why I’m a huge advocate for the Ninja Creami—a game-changer when it comes to making keto ice cream at home. This innovative gadget is engineered specifically for creating creamy, delicious frozen treats that align perfectly with keto dietary restrictions. Let me break down why it’s the ideal match for Keto Chow ice cream recipes.

The Ninja Creami stands out with its unique technology that transforms a frozen block of your desired ingredients into ice cream with a smooth and rich texture. Considering that keto ice cream can’t rely on the usual high-sugar content to achieve this consistency, the role of the Ninja Creami becomes indispensable. It’s designed to handle low-carbohydrate, high-fat mixtures efficiently, ensuring your Keto Chow ice cream is not only nutritious but also satisfyingly indulgent.

Preparing the mix using Keto Chow is a breeze, but it’s the Ninja Creami that takes the experience to the next level. You can experiment with myriads of flavor combinations, all while sticking to your keto goals. The versatility of the Ninja Creami allows for endless customization of your ice cream treats:

  • Mix fruit purees for a refreshing twist
  • Stir in nuts or keto-friendly chocolate chips for added texture
  • Swirl in sugar-free syrups for extra flavor

Moreover, the ease of use is something I can’t praise enough. The Ninja Creami cuts down the time-consuming process of traditional ice cream making and doesn’t require any specialized skills. Simply follow the instructions to freeze your Keto Chow mixture, and with the push of a button, your ice cream will be ready to enjoy in minutes.

For those who relish a seamless clean-up, the removable parts are a godsend as they’re dishwasher safe. I’ve found that maintenance of this equipment is as straightforward as its operation, which means more time savoring your keto-friendly treats and less time scrubbing dishes.

In essence, the Ninja Creami is an invaluable companion for anyone on a keto diet who doesn’t want to give up the pleasure of ice cream. It effortlessly supports your commitment to nutrition without compromising the joys of dessert.

Ingredients for Keto Chow Ice Cream

When diving into the delicious world of homemade keto ice cream, the quality and choice of ingredients play a pivotal role in the outcome of your frozen treat. I’ll walk you through the essential components needed to whip up a delectable batch of Keto Chow ice cream using a Ninja Creami.

To start off, you’ll want a packet of Keto Chow. This isn’t just for flavor; it’s packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support your keto lifestyle. Next up, a liquid base is critical. I prefer using heavy cream for its high-fat content, which leads to a creamier texture, but you can also opt for almond milk if you’re looking for a lighter option.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need:

  • Keto Chow Packet – 1 serving
  • Liquid Base (choose one):
    • Heavy Cream – 1 cup
    • Almond Milk – 1 cup (for a lighter ice cream)
  • Water – enough to mix with your base to a total of 385g
  • Sweetener of Choice (optional) – adjusting to taste
    • Erythritol – 1 to 2 tablespoons (adjustable)
  • Add-ins and Flavors (optional):
    • Unsweetened Cocoa Powder – 2 teaspoons for a chocolatey twist
    • Natural Vanilla Extract – 1 teaspoon for classic vanilla flavor
    • Chopped Nuts or Keto-friendly Chocolate Chips – for an added crunch

Mixing Keto Chow with a full-fat base like heavy cream ensures that you’re not only getting a carb-conscious indulgence but also one that aligns with the high-fat macro goals of your diet. Adding personalized touches, like keto-friendly sweeteners or flavor enhancements, allows you to cater to your taste without breaking your carb budget. As someone who’s always experimenting with flavors, I’ve found that quality extracts and spice powders can dramatically elevate the taste of your Keto Chow ice cream.

Remember, when you’re working with these ingredients and the Ninja Creami, you’re not limited to a single recipe template. The beauty lies in the ability to experiment with different Keto Chow flavors and mix-ins, catering to the seasons, festivities, or simply your cravings of the moment. This versatility ensures that my keto journey is always delicious and my dessert menu, endlessly exciting.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Keto Chow Ice Cream

Creating keto-friendly ice cream with my Ninja Creami isn’t just about having the right ingredients; it’s about following a process that turns those ingredients into a creamy delight. Let’s dive into the seamless steps to whip up this delectable treat.

Gathering the Essentials

Before I get started, I ensure all my ingredients and tools are at hand. For this recipe, here’s what I’ll need:

  • 1 packet of Keto Chow
  • 1 1/2 cups of a liquid base (heavy cream or almond milk works wonders)
  • Optional add-ins: unsweetened cocoa powder, vanilla extract, or keto-friendly mix-ins

I’ll grab the Ninja Creami pint container, a mixing bowl, and a whisk too. Now I’m all set to make some ice cream magic!

Mixing the Base

Firstly, I pour the liquid base into a mixing bowl and add the Keto Chow packet, whisking them together until the mixture is smooth. Here’s where I get creative with any additional flavorings or add-ins, blending them into the mixture. It’s crucial to avoid lumps for that perfectly smooth ice cream.

Freezing Preparation

After blending my mixture thoroughly, I pour it into the Ninja Creami pint container. I make sure it’s sealed tightly, then place it in the freezer. The key here is patience—it needs to freeze solid, typically taking about 24 hours. Resist the temptation to check too often; this concoction requires undisturbed freezing time.

The Transformation

Once the mixture is frozen solid, it’s time for the Ninja Creami to work its magic. I pop the frozen base into the machine and select the ‘Ice Cream’ function. It’s mesmerizing to watch as the Creami churn adds air and breaks up the ice crystals, transforming the mixture into smooth, keto-friendly ice cream.

In just a few minutes, the device signals that the ice cream is ready. I immediately serve it or transfer it to an airtight container for further freezing if I prefer a firmer texture. With each batch I make, I can’t help but marvel at the simplicity and deliciousness of this keto treat, all thanks to the mighty Ninja Creami.

The Best Flavors for Keto Chow Ice Cream

When you’re diving into the world of Keto Chow ice cream, the flavor adventure is as crucial as the preparation method. I’ve experimented with a range of Keto Chow flavors and found that some truly stand out when made into ice cream with the Ninja Creami. Chocolate is a no-brainer—it’s rich, indulgent, and feels like a cheat meal without the guilt. Another top contender is Salted Caramel, offering that perfect balance of sweet and salty that’ll have your taste buds dancing.

But don’t stop there. For those who adore fruity desserts, Strawberry Keto Chow ice cream is a refreshing option. It’s light and palatable, ideal for a summer day treat. Then there’s Snickerdoodle, imbued with a cinnamon kick that’s reminiscent of your favorite cookie but in a frosty, creamy form.

Here are some of the best flavors to try:

  • Chocolate
  • Salted Caramel
  • Strawberry
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Cookies and Cream

Cookies and Cream is another classic that I can’t get enough of. It’s a crowd-pleaser with its familiar cookies-and-milk taste that we all know and love. For an epic twist, consider adding a sprinkle of crushed keto-friendly cookies to amplify the texture and flavor.

In making your ice cream with the Ninja Creami, remember that the intensity of flavors can change slightly once frozen. It’s fascinating to note that cold temperatures can dull sweetness and certain flavor nuances. So, if you’re opting for a flavor with subtler notes, like Vanilla, don’t hesitate to add a dash of vanilla extract to enhance its presence in the final product.

Experimenting with different Keto Chow flavors and optional add-ins can lead to a treasure trove of delightful combinations. Whatever flavor you choose, ensure it aligns with your personal tastes and keto diet goals. Mixing, freezing, and enjoying the fruits of your labor with the Ninja Creami becomes all the more satisfying when you’re excited about the flavor journey ahead.


I’ve loved walking you through the joys of whipping up your very own Keto Chow ice cream with the Ninja Creami. It’s clear that with the right ingredients, a bit of patience, and a dash of creativity, you can indulge in a keto-friendly dessert that doesn’t skimp on flavor or texture. Remember, the key is in the mix and the magic of the Creami. Whether you’re a fan of rich chocolate or a sucker for snickerdoodle, the possibilities are endless. So go ahead, give it a try and treat yourself to a scoop (or two) of homemade perfection. Trust me, your taste buds will thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Keto Chow?

Keto Chow is a nutritional shake mix designed to be a complete keto-friendly meal replacement. It provides essential vitamins, minerals, and protein while adhering to the macronutrient ratios required for a ketogenic diet.

Can I make ice cream with Keto Chow using a Ninja Creami?

Yes, you can make ice cream with Keto Chow using a Ninja Creami. Follow the provided instructions in the article for mixing, freezing, and using the Ninja Creami’s ‘Ice Cream’ function to create a creamy keto ice cream.

What ingredients do I need for Keto Chow ice cream?

To make Keto Chow ice cream, you’ll need a packet of Keto Chow, a liquid base such as water or almond milk, and any optional add-ins like nuts, berries, or sugar-free chocolate chips.

How long does it take to freeze the mixture before using the Ninja Creami?

The mixture should be frozen until solid, which typically requires at least 24 hours. Ensure it’s undisturbed during this time for best results.

Can you change the flavor of the ice cream?

Absolutely! The article suggests trying various Keto Chow flavors like chocolate, strawberry, or snickerdoodle. You can also enhance the ice cream with additional ingredients such as extracts or spices.

Will the flavor of Keto Chow change after freezing?

Yes, the intensity of Keto Chow flavors may slightly diminish once frozen. To counteract this, consider adding flavor boosts like additional vanilla extract for vanilla ice cream.

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